
Research on the Internationalization of Vocational Education and the Brand Construction of Vocational Education in China

Ning Zhang


The rapid development of globalization has promoted the integration and sharing of educational resources in the world, accelerated the flow and distribution of educational elements in various countries, and effectively realized the diversified development of education. In this context, the internationalization of vocational education has become an inevitable trend of education development in various
countries. Through communication and cooperation across national boundaries, different countries and regions have made many beneficial
attempts to improve the quality of education, optimize the rational utilization of educational resources and explore educational equity, and
have achieved remarkable results. However, globalization also brings some challenges to the internationalization development of vocational education, such as how to cope with educational competition in the context of globalization. Therefore, the international development of
vocational education should not only grasp the development opportunity of globalization and enrich the supply of domestic education, but
also actively respond to the challenges brought by it, build the brand of vocational education, and create a new situation of education opening up to the outside world.


Internationalization of vocational education; Chinese characteristics; Brand building

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