
Exploration of the Training Model for Mechanical Talents in Local Universities under the Background of New Engineering+Intelligent Manufacturing

Yunhe Zou, Jianxin Wu*, Yun Zhi, Huaqiang Li, Xiaowen Song


Against the backdrop of global economic development and continuous improvement in technological level, the combination of new
engineering and intelligent manufacturing is an important way to promote innovation in the cultivation of mechanical engineering talents
in local universities. At present, the core driving force of the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation centered
on intelligent manufacturing is profoundly affecting the production mode, organizational form, and industrial ecology of the manufacturing
industry. Therefore, major universities in China should seize this historical opportunity and reform their talent cultivation methods to cultivate
high-quality engineering and technical talents with strong theoretical foundation and practical experience, in order to meet the demand for talents in intelligent manufacturing.


New Engineering; Intelligent manufacturing; Mechanical category; Talent training mode

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