
The Influence of Trait Mindfulness on Psychological Resilience of College Students: The Mediating Role of Intentional Self-regulation

Qianying Luo


Objective: This study intends to investigate the moderating role of intentional self-regulation in the relationship between trait
mindfulness and psychological resilience. Methods: A total of 260 college students were recruited in the study and were assessed by using the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale(MAAS), Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale(CD-RISC) and the Intentional Self-regulation Test.
Results: (1) The scores of MAAS, CD-RISC and the Intentional Self-regulation Test were 65.39112.896, 70.04813.202 and 38.3153.430,
respectively; (2) Trait mindfulness was positively associated with psychological resilience (r=0.652, P<0.001), and intentional self-regulation
was positively related to trait mindfulness(r=0.561, P<0.001) and psychological resilience(r=0.721, P<0.001), respectively; (3) Intentional
self-regulation plays a partial moderating role between trait mindfulness and psychological resilience. Conclusion: Trait mindfulness not only
has a direct effect on psychological resilience among college students, but also indirectly influences intentional self-regulation by the mediating effect of psychological resilience.


Trait mindfulness; Psychological resilience; Intentional self-regulation; Mediation

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