
Exploring Job Seekers Experience with AI Interview in Campus Recruitment

Dan Li


AI technology has been applied to human resource selection and interviewing, especially in campus recruitment in industries with
greater employment demand, such as consumer goods manufacturing, sales and finance. Currently, research has been carried out on the experience of individual AI services, but there is insufficient study of the experiences of candidates who have actually participated in AI interviewing on campus. Using the rooted theory of the research path, interviewed 9 candidates involved in AI interviews in the course of campus, the
result found that the candidates are not satisfied with the experience, the respondents have a poor overall sense of experience, and a lower
willingness to continue to participate in an AI interview. Based on the above, the study proposes AI experience perception model for candidates recruited on campus. By understanding job seeker experiences, we can improve the effectiveness and fairness of AI interviews in campus recruitment.


AI interview; AI interview experience; Rooted theory

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