
On the Cultivation of National Security Education Teachers Qualities in Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Schools in the New Era

Xiaoyu Chen


The report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China once again emphasized the importance of national security education, clearly requiring the whole society to strengthen national security awareness and build a solid national security defense line.
Under this guiding ideology, it is particularly urgent to comprehensively enhance the competence of national security education teachers in
primary, secondary, and tertiary schools. By building a systematic training system, enhancing teachers professional knowledge and comprehensive literacy, and establishing a multi-level and multi-dimensional assessment mechanism, teachers teaching level and practical ability can
be effectively improved. This article explores effective strategies for cultivating the competence of national security education teachers in the
new era from these perspectives, in order to promote the sustainable development and innovation of national security education and ensure the
in-depth promotion of national security education.


New Era; Primary, secondary, and tertiary schools; National security education; Cultivation of Literacy

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