
The Application Research of Reading-to-Write Mode Based on Thematic Context To English Writing Teaching in High Schools

Jiaxuan Li


The application research of reading-to-write mode based on thematic context to English writing teaching in high schools is a topic of wide concern in the field of education in recent years. This teaching method aims to guide students to form their own opinions in the
process of understanding and analyzing these materials by selecting reading materials related to the course topic and encourage students
to express these views through writing. This teaching mode can not only help to improve students reading comprehension ability, but also
effectively promote students writing ability The thematic context refers to the linguistic environment and background that is constructed
around a central theme or concept in a specific communication or text. It includes vocabulary, phrases, sentences, and the overall meaning
and emotions conveyed by the context. Thematic context is not limited to literal content but also includes implicit, associative, and cultural
connections that collectively provide a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of the theme. In different contexts, the same theme may
have different expressions and interpretations, so understanding thematic context is crucial for accurately conveying and receiving information.


Reading-to-write; Thematic context; English writing

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