Opinions on the Reform of 21st Century Competency Based Education (CBE) in the United States
century competency movement, but there are also specific reform factors of the country. The concern on 21st century competencies in the United
States originated from the demand of the business community for higher competencies of the labor force, which, reflecting in education, as the
United States called 21st century competencies are necessary for everyone to survive in the 21st century. In the American presidential election in 2001, education was the first issue of public concern, which led to the publication of the No Child Behind Act in 2001. (Cook-Harvey,
C.M, 2016) The main reason for this change is that the economic and social development of the United States needs talents to transform. The
diversification of social demand for workers boosts that education must be changed. Schools should train comprehensive talents who can
adapt to global changes for the future society. The government, schools and social organizations are the main forces of American values education, and they work together to promote the historic change of American values education in the 21st century.
Full Text:
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/eer.v2i5.4946
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