
A Systematic Literature Review of Conducting the Task-based Needs Analysis in English for Specific Purposes Contexts

Yang Liu, Yuanmei Gao, Yiting Liu, Jingchun Zhu


Task-based needs analysis (TBNA), a critical first step in task-based syllabus design, ensures instruction aligns with real-world demands (Serafini, Lake, & Long, 2015). Despite its importance, limited attention has been given to the practice of TBNA itself. This systematic
literature review analyzes 40 empirical studies, selected from 756 retrieved through SCOPUS and Web of Science, to investigate TBNA practices across diverse ESP contexts. Using the PRISMA guidelines, the review identifies key research questions focused on task identification,
task sequencing, and syllabus design. The findings reveal that mixed methods, often inspired by Long (2005) and Serafini et al. (2015), are
commonly employed to triangulate data sources. Challenges include addressing methodological limitations and effectively adapting TBNA to
varied ESP contexts. This review highlights the benefits, challenges, and future directions for leveraging TBNA in designing context-specific
English courses.


Task-based needs analysis (TBNA); Course design; English for Specific Purposes (ESP)

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/eer.v2i7.5832


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