
A Comparative Study of Incentive Mechanisms in SinoBritish Educational Management -- Taking Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory as a Perspective

Guofeng Xia


This study uses Maslows hierarchy of needs theory as the theoretical basis to make a deep comparison and analysis of the incentive
mechanism in education management between China and Britain. By exploring the physiological, safety, social, respect, and self-actualization
needs, we reveal the central role of cultural and institutional environments in these needs. Several studies have pointed out that Chinas education system is more focused on team rewards and academic performance, while the UK puts more emphasis on individual development and
intrinsic drive. In order to show the allocation and priority of resources between the two systems, we use statistical methods and visualization
techniques, which include graphs and model presentations.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/eer.v2i7.5836


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