
Exploring the Impact of Digital Learning Environments on English Acquisition: A Comprehensive Overview

Qingling Li


In the age of rapid technological advancements, the landscape of language learning, particularly English, has been significantly
transformed. This paper examines the role of digital learning environmentssuch as online platforms, mobile applications, and immersive
virtual reality (VR) settingsin shaping the process of English language acquisition. It highlights the key advantages, including enhanced
interactivity, diverse sensory input, global social engagement, and increased learner independence. However, it also addresses the challenges
faced by learners, such as the absence of non-verbal communication, technical barriers, and the need for self-regulation. The paper provides a
theoretical framework that connects the use of digital tools to well-established language learning theories, offering insights into the future of
digital language education.


Digital learning tools; English acquisition; Interactive environments; Learner independence; VR-based education

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/eer.v2i7.5857


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