
Study of Network Live Broadcast Influencing on Consumer Purchase Intention of Electronic Products in Guizhou

Zhicheng Wang


With the continuous innovation of information technology, the Internet has become more widely used. This widespread application
changed the way of communication and business models and changed the way consumers shop. Research showed that more and more
netizens were keen on price transparency and convenient online live scene shopping methods. Therefore, further understanding of the factors
influencing consumers' purchase intentions in the live webcast scenario would greatly benefit e-commerce companies. In this research, an
in-depth study of the relevant literature and research results investigate the purchase intention, purchase behavior, and perceived value of
Guizhou consumers in the live webcast scenario, combined with the actual situation of the shopping environment of the webcast scenario in
Guizhou. The web lives broadcast scenario Influences willingness and establishing factors with five variables: perceived benefit, purchase
cost, perceived risk, perceived value, and purchase intention.


Network Live Broadcasting; Consumer Purchase Intention ; Electronic Products

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