
Study on the Harmfulness of Coal Mine Dust to Human Health and its Prevention and Control Measures

Yanhua Liu


Coal mine production is a special operation with certain occupational hazards. A large amount of coal dustin the production en- vironment poses a great threat to the health of workers and is the main pathogenic factor of minersoccupational disease, pneumoconiosis. Pneumoconiosis is the largest and most serious occupational disease in China. Statistical data show that the number of diagnosed cases of pneumoconiosis in China has exceeded 600,000, accounting for more than 90% of the total number of occupational diseases, more than 6000 people die of pneumoconiosis every year, and more than 90% of the new cases of pneumoconiosis occur in coal mines. Therefore, the great harm of coal mine dust and the serious situation of prevention and control of coal mine occupational diseases in China are shown.


Coal mine dust; Human health; Hazards; Prevention and control measures

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