
Construction and Practice of Hospital Pharmacy Practice Teaching Mode under the Reform of DRG Payment Method

Xihong Cao*, Yanli Yang, Chen Xie, Mao Ye


Objective: this research for DRGs payment reform, in order to build a new teaching mode of traditional pharmacy practice and
DRGs payment reform background, the pharmaceutical interns add DRGs disease grouping and ICD disease coding teaching and DRGs
disease grouping of pharmacoeconomics teaching, training more able to adapt to the medical reform of drug service personnel and hospital
performance management and internal cost control training practical pharmaceutical service talents. Methods: Through the implementation
of different internship programs, to make the effect evaluation. Results: Combining the traditional clinical pharmacy practice with the background of DRGs payment reform, the teaching of DRGs disease grouping, ICD disease coding teaching and pharmacoeconomics of DRGs
disease grouping. Conclusion: In this study, the practice of Chinese pharmacy, prescription practice, clinical pharmacy and ward practice
combined the teaching of DRGs disease grouping and ICD disease coding with the medical insurance department, which promoted the smooth
implementation of DRGs and reflected the value of clinical pharmacists in ensuring effective, safe and economical drug use.


DRGs; Pharmacoeconomics; Hospital pharmacy; Practice; Teaching mode

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