
Research and Prevention and Control Countermeasures of Imported Medical Vector Biology Nationwide

Rongliang Yan, Neng Pan, Ni Mei


The research and prevention and control of imported medical media is one of the important topics in the field of public health. With
the acceleration of globalization, the transnational spread of various medical media organisms through travel, trade and population migration
has become a major challenge for public health. This paper summarizes the research status and main problems of imported medical media
in China, and focuses on the countermeasures and prevention and control measures, including strengthening monitoring and early warning,
improving quarantine, and strengthening international cooperation. It is hoped that the discussion of this paper can provide reference for the
research and prevention and control of imported medical media in China.


Imported medical media; Public health; Research status; Prevention and control countermeasures; Monitoring and early warning; International cooperation

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Included Database


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