
Chief Editor

Prof.  Chen Hairong Hangzhou Normal University,China  

Associate Editor

Prof. Kumari, Saru Information Technology University of the Punjab, Pakistan  

Editorial Committee Members

Prof. Simour Lhoussain the University of Gibraltar, Morocco  
Prof. Jadko Natalya V Moscow City Teacher Training University, Russia  
Prof. Skeiker Fadi Fordham University, United States  
Prof. Moga EmanuelSterp Complutense University of Madrid, Spain  
Prof. Gruhn Wilfried Hochschule für Musik Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany  
Prof. Larrieu Maxenc Université Grenoble Alpes, France  
Prof. Denisov Andrei V St. Petersburg Conservatory named by N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov  
Prof. Jérémy Barbay Universidad de Concepción, Chile