
Cultural Confidence and Chinas Right to Speak

Liyan Wang


Relying on the development of emerging streaming media platforms, the dissemination speed of various ideologies has been accel-erating, the coverage area has been getting bigger and bigger, and the discourse has been gradually transformed into a kind of power relying on the platforms, and the tendency of discourse is power has been increasing. With the development of Chinas economy and the strength-ening of its comprehensive national power, Chinas status in the international arena has gradually increased. In the face of increasingly ferce international competition, in addition to exporting its superior industries in the economic aspect, China needs to export itslanguagein the political and cultural aspect, so as to enhance its discourse power and let the world hear its voice.


Cultural Confdence; Discourse; Chinese Voice

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/rcha.v2i1.3508


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