
Research on the Media Strategy of Film and TV Drama Promotion in the Background of Omnimedia -- The Queen of News as an Example

Chenghao Xu


In recent years, with the continuous development of the economy and society and the Internet, the media environment is changing,
and marketing methods are endless. At the same time, the drama market has been exploding and blossoming. Behind the excellent report card,
is it the innate advantage of the drama series, or the methodology of the latter added. Based on this, this paper selects the late 2023 hit drama
Queen of News as the research object, analyses its media selection and strategy in the process of promotion and distribution, explores the
optimization path of media strategy for fi lm and television works in todays communication era, and helps more high-quality works to achieve
the heat breakthrough circle and word-of-mouth precipitation, and promotes the benign development of the fi lm and television industry.


Media; Promotion; Episode marketing; Queen of the press; Media strategy; Communication

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