
Rhythm as a Metric for Performance Creation -- A Brief Discussion on the Importance of Rhythm in Performance

Yukun Luo


Rhythm is an extremely difficult concept to grasp. Philosophers and aesthetes have wrestled with the word rhythm. At the same
time, artists and art critics have been using it, unconsciously or even carelessly, to describe the effect of a work or part of it. Rhythm is indeed
a word that keeps popping up around performers. Actors and directors work on the rhythm of a scene; many people also use the effect of
rhythm to describe how good certain scenes are. Rhythm is therefore crucial to performance creation; for performance creation, it can push the
storyline to a climax and make the audience emotionally deeply involved. For the actor, it helps to understand the inner emotions and experiences of the character and to integrate better into the role.


Performance rhythm; Tempo; Language rhythm; Psychological rhythm; Physical rhythm

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[1] Liang Bolong, Li Yue, ed. Fundamentals of Theatre Performance, Culture and Arts Publishing House

[2] Xu Weihong, edited by Xu Weihong: Selected Essays in Acting China Drama Publishing House

[3] [USA] by Catherine George, translated by Zhang Quanquan: Rhythms of Drama China Theatre Press

[4] Stanislavsky, translated by Zheng Xuelai: The Actor Creates the Character China Film Press

[5] On Speed and Rhythm in Performing Arts by Ding Xin, published in May 2008

[6] The Empty Space by Brook, published by China Theatre Press on 1 December 2006

[7] A Basic Course on Form Movement for Film and Television Performance by Zong Dexin and Tang Xuli


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