
On Sartres Aesthetic Pleasure in Engaged Literature

Lingjia Zheng


This paper starts from objects and symbols to introduce what is engaged literature. In Sartres view, music, painting, and poetry, are
objects themselves and do not engage with reality. However, words in prose are symbols that must be engaged with reality. Prose is engaged
literature where the authors call and the freedom of the reader and the author are all included. In the process of engagement, the true face of
the world is revealed and retrieved. The freedom within this process is also vividly manifested throughout the engagement, rather than being a
fixed freedom in eternal forms. Aesthetic pleasure is based on freedom, is creation, imagination, and also has its universality.


Engagement; Summoning; Freedom; Aesthetic Joy

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18686/rcha.v2i3.4116


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