
Exploring the Narrative Strategy of Chinese Food Documentaries -- Take the regional food documentaries Flavorful Origins and Breakfast in China as an example

Xue Hao


Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), various industries have prospered, and the efficient use
of network technology and 5G technology has dramatically enhanced the communication power and influence of the media, providing a vehicle for the dissemination and prosperity of culture. Documentaries have developed rapidly, and food documentaries have become the focus
of audience favour in the new era and have gradually explored new fields to subdivide into vertical areas. This paper explores the similarities
and differences in the narrative strategies of two miniature food documentaries, Flavorful Origins, the first Chinese food documentary whose
rights were purchased by Netflix, and Breakfast in China, which is popular among young people in China and has a high number of broadcasts, to demonstrate the diversified narrative techniques of Chinese food documentaries.


Flavorful Origins; Breakfast in China Part 2; Narrative Themes; Narrative Structure; Narrative Perspectives; Food

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i7.5201


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