
The Effect of Leadership Style on Innovative Behaviour from the Perspective of China

Xiangdong Yang, , AnbalaganA/LMarimuth, Haocheng Jiang


In recent years, the modern company tends to be youth, and the new generation plays an important role in the production and creation of the company. Stimulating the innovative behaviour of the new generation of employees is one of the important works of enterprise
leaders. The leadership style is proved to affect the psychology and behaviour of employees significantly. Hence, this study reveals the influence of inclusive leadership on innovative behaviour through cognitive and emotional processes and specifically examines the complex mediating role of psychological safety and felt obligation in the relationship between inclusive leadership and innovative behaviour. In addition,
team reflexivity can effectively improve innovative behaviour by avoiding excessive consistency in the process of innovation.


Inclusive leadership; Psychological safety; Felt obligation; Team reflexivity; Innovative behaviour; New generation employees

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i9.5590


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