
The Moaning Piano: The Sound of Piano in The Weary Blues

Xinyu Liu


The Weary Blues is a representative poem from Langston Hughes collection of poems of the same nameThe Weary Blues
published in 1926. In The Weary Blues, except from the narrator and the performer who is singing, the piano which could not speak by
itself, was given a feeling and became to the third voice in this poem. But the moaning piano undergoes a process of being narrated, so that
the text of the piano does not dissipate until the end of the performance. The moaning piano, as an emotional externalization of the narrator
and the singer, is a catharsis for the existential plight of the black community. Starting from the narrated process of the performance in The
Weary Blues, this essay represents how the textual piano sound is retained and transcends the limitations of time, and allowing the reader to
perceive this unheard sound.


The piano sound; Narration; The Reader

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i9.5597


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