
Meta-Analysis Of Short Video Dissemination Of Chinese Culture From The Perspective Of Empathy Theory

Binyi Yang


Performing a meta-analysis of the dissemination of Chinese culture, the analysis combines the view of the traditional spread of Chinese culture. It integrates the input of modern technologies that have contributed to the spread of Chinese culture. The meta- analysis shows
that Chinese culture started spreading and impacting global communities historically. Because of the absence of modern technologies, the
methods of spreading the culture included physical interactions with the global communities through trade, wars, and occupation. In modern
culture, with digital technologies, the spread of the culture has taken different forms, including short video technologies such as social media
platforms. The meta- analysis combines insights from different articles with the outcome of the analysis showing that a high number of articles in the meta-analysis follow the quantitative methodologies at 66.7% while the qualitative studies on the spread of Chinese culture take
33.3%. The analysis also takes the context of the empathy theory to define the motivation behind the interaction and spread of Chinese culture.


Chinese culture; Meta-analysis; Empathy; Communication

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i9.5600


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