
Research on the Communicative Function of Emojis from the Perspective of Cross-cultural Communication

Wentao Wang


With the popularity of WeChat, more and more international students in China have begun to use WeChat and emojis. Memes innovate traditional ways of expression and assume an increasingly important communicative function in the online world. At the same time,
the need for online intercultural communication research is increasing, both online lectures and online chats are becoming more and more frequent, and the advantages of online intercultural communication are gradually emerging. This paper will analyze the communicative function
of emojis from the perspective of cross-cultural communication, analyze the reasons for international students to use emojis for communication, and draw the enlightenment of using emojis for cross-cultural communication.


Intercultural communication; Non-verbal communication; Emojis; Communicative function

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i10.5950


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