
The Influence of Traditional Shou Zhuo Thought on the Counter-rhythm of Chinese Classical Dance

Shuting Wen


China has a long tradition of Shou Zhuo (embracing simplicity), which is reflected in the aesthetic philosophy. China, as a major
cultural country, emphasizes balance rather than counterbalance in its traditional culture. The movement of counter-rhythm also represents
the neutral and just thought of Shou Zhuo in Chinese culture, which injects the balance of natural relationships into social relationships, giving rise to dance expressions. If the counter-rhythm of Chinese classical dance is viewed at the level of skill, referring to a reverse movement law, then the thought of Shou Zhuo, manifested in the body techniques, movement requirements, and the application of methods and
means in Chinese classical dance.


Shou Zhuo; Movement of the contrary being the way of things; Counter-rhythm; Aesthetics

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i10.5952


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