
Emotional Expression in Imagery Ink Painting

Shusheng Pan


This paper analyzes the emotional expression in the creation of imagery ink painting, starting from its practical significance. It explores this aspect by combining the creation process with the personal emotions of the artist. Color is a concept that all painting works must
address, whether it is Western oil painting, Chinese grotto murals, or Japans mainstream Iwa-gara painting. All of these involve color as an
important factor in painting. As for how to express better visual effects and rich personal emotions, it requires incorporating the different expressive methods involved in each type of painting.
??This paper thoroughly investigates the relationship between color, the content expressed during the artists creation process, and the
interplay between personal emotion and formal language. The innovation of this paper lies in addressing the gap left by previous studies that
focused merely on interpreting painting techniques, by analyzing and summarizing the relationship between painting techniques and emotional expression, grounded in the personal practical experience of the artist.


Imagery Ink Painting; Color; Emotional Expression

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i10.5958


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