
The Global Spread of Traditional Culture through Sun Wukong and Its Impact on Identity and Cultural Fusion

Anni Li, Zixuan Hong, Rui Yang, Shaoqian Shen, Jinmei Jiang


This paper explores the global spread of Sun Wukong, the Monkey King, as a symbol of identity transformation, cultural fusion, and
cross-cultural adaptation. Originating from the classical Chinese novel Journey to the West, Sun Wukongs journey from a rebellious, mischievous figure to a disciplined disciple reflects broader themes of personal growth and the negotiation of diverse cultural influences. The paper
examines how Sun Wukongs character, with its dual nature as both a trickster and a seeker of self-improvement, resonates across different
cultural contexts, particularly in Western and East Asian reinterpretations. His integration of various philosophical ideas reflects a fusion of
cultural traditions, which, through global dissemination, finds parallels in various global frameworks, including Western existentialism. The
paper further discusses Sun Wukongs portrayal in popular media, highlighting his adaptability and relevance in contemporary global culture.
Ultimately, Sun Wukongs global presence underscores the ongoing processes of globalization, identity negotiation, and cultural exchange,
positioning him as a transnational icon that bridges traditional Chinese culture with modern, multicultural sensibilities.


Sun Wukong, Identity; Cultural Fusion; Cultural Discourse; Cross-Cultural Communication

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/rcha.v2i10.5959


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