
Research on the Curriculum System of Top-up Degree Programs under the Background of New Engineering and Technical Disciplines

Zhiyuan Sun, Kun Liu, Yadongyang Zhu


In response to the new round of technological revolution and industrial transformation, and to support and serve innovation-driven
development, new engineering talents focus on the cultivation of practical and innovative abilities. At present, the proportion of upgrading
from junior college to undergraduate in China has reached 20%. More and more vocational school graduates have the opportunity to receive
high-quality undergraduate education, become skilled professionals. But the cultivation of this group of students is often overlooked by many
universities. This study analyses the issues existing in the undergraduate curriculum system of local applied universities in undertaking vocational education. It is pointed out that the application of ordinary undergraduate curriculum systems is not suitable for vocational-to-bachelors
students and cannot meet the training objectives of higher vocational and technical talents. To cultivate new engineering vocational and technical
talents, aiming at the current issues in the theoretical and practical settings of the curriculum system, this study proposes to use employment as a
guide in the vocational-to-bachelors curriculum system, set bridging courses to consolidate professional foundations, implement multiple training programs to promote student development, and collaborate with enterprises to carry out project-based practical training. It is necessary to
optimize the construction of the curriculum system from theoretical and practical, and fully leverage the advantages of students strong practical
abilities, which will reserve high-level vocational and technical talents for the new round of technological and industrial revolution.


Top-up Degree; Curriculum System; New Engineering and Technical Disciplines; Local Applied Universities

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