
The Pros and Cons of Multimedia Teaching in English Classes

Yanli Zhang


With the rapid development of computer technology, multimedia teaching has enter classroom and become essential for English
teachers. And the multimedia teaching is one of the teaching methods that teachers apply the modern teaching media according to the teaching
aims and teaching objects. The paper mainly focuses on the pros and cons of multimedia teaching and ponders on its weaknesses, and research
discovered that multimedia teaching has the following advantages: Meeting the requirements of the New Curriculum Reform and optimize the
traditional teaching mode, having sufficient teaching materials and develop innovative thinking, optimizing the teaching method and stimulate
the students interest and potential. However, it also bears the following disadvantages: Unbalancing teaching capacity and students may difficult to absorb, restricting students logic thinking and creative consciousness, avoiding the position of teacher-student role and harmful to
classroom interactivity. Comparing the pros and cons of multimedia teaching in English classes. this paper gives some related solutions from
teachers, students and local governments part to achieve the aims of avoiding its cons and promoting its pros and serving for the English


Multimedia technology; Inspire; Time-saving; Creative thinking; Efficiency

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