
Study on the Influencing Factors of English Learning Anxiety of Public Normal School Students

Suwen Chen, Xuanzi Song


Using self-efficacy theory, social cognitive theory and learning motivation theory as the theoretical framework, this study will collect data of publicly-funded normal university students through questionnaire survey, and use statistical methods and other practical analysis
methods to analyze the data. The results show that English learning anxiety of public funded normal college students is affected by many factors, including self-cognition, learning motivation and learning environment. Among them, self-efficacy and social cognition have significant
effects on English learning anxiety. The results of this study are of great significance for improving the English learning anxiety of public
funded normal college students. Through in-depth understanding of the influencing factors, educators can take corresponding measures to help
students reduce anxiety and improve learning results.


Public funded normal students; English learning anxiety; Influencing factors; Social cognition

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