
Research on the Strategy of Integrating Chinese Traditional Culture into College English Teaching

Hong Zou


With the deepening of globalization and the increasing frequency of cross-cultural communication, the importance of English as an
international language is obvious. College English teaching plays a decisive role in Chinas higher education system, which is not only the
key course to promote the development of students applied English ability, but also an important means to cultivate their international vision
and cross-cultural communication ability. But at present, college English teaching often pays too much attention to the cultivation of language
skills, but neglects the cultural inheritance and integration. This situation, to some extent, restricts students understanding and perception of
the deep cultural connotation of English lauguage itself. The purpose of this study is to explore the effective combination of Chinese traditional culture and college English teaching, so as to promote the improvement of teaching quality and cultivate high-quality talents with solid
English skills and a deep understanding of Chinese and Western culture.


Chinese traditional culture; College English teaching; Integration strategy

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