
How to Improve Employment Security in Vocational Colleges -- Taking the 2023 Graduates of Heike Dahuatai College as an Example

Qiusheng Cui, Yuhuan Zhang


The ultimate goal of vocational colleges is to train skilled talents for enterprises and society. So vocational colleges should keep
pace with The Times to grasp the dynamics of industrial development, grasp the needs of social talents, and improve employment security
while training people. Based on the employment and actual work situation of 2023 graduates, this paper analyzes the positioning of teachers
and students and the roles and functions of teachers and students respectively in education and employment from the aspect of employment
security through questionnaires and other methods. Improve the competitiveness of the school, create talent brand awareness.


Industrial development; Skilled personnel; Employment security; Job requirements

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DOI:10.28273/n.cnki.ngmrb. 2024.002127.

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