
Innovative Research on Land Resource Studies Curriculum Based on the Integration of OBE and CDIO Concepts

Ran Zhu


Land Resource Studies is an interdisciplinary applied science that encompasses the study of related concepts of land resources,
types of land, their characteristics and spatial distribution, quantity and quality of land, land survey and evaluation, land development and utilization, land governance and restoration, as well as land protection and management. By examining the current state and existing issues in the
teaching of land resource courses, and integrating the OBE-CDIO concept, this study conducts reforms and innovations from multiple dimensions including OBE outcome-oriented educational innovation, CDIO engineering education model innovation, and the integration of ideological and political elements. The ultimate goal is to realize a student-centered, outcome-oriented, and theory-practice integrated approach in the
land resource studies curriculum. This innovation aims to cultivate students ability for systematic thinking and hands-on practice, achieving
the goal of training interdisciplinary talents in the field of land resource studies.


Land Resource Studies; OBE-CDIO Integration; Curriculum Ideological and Political Education; Innovation Exploration

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