
Evolution and Reflection from Traditional Education to Modern Education -- Based on the Perspective of Ideological and Political Education in Colleges and Universities

Xiaohan Yao


At the present time, with the continuous progress of science and technology, especially the rapid development of information technology, educational resources can cross the boundaries of time and space and achieve global circulation and sharing. These factors constitute
the grand background of the transformation of education from traditional to modern, and provide a profound historical foundation for our
discussion today. Taking the ideological and political education in colleges and universities as an example, this paper adopts the method of
comparative study by analyzing the characteristics of traditional education, the rise of modern education, the difference between traditional
and modern education, the challenge and reflection of modern education, and the possible direction of future education. To show and explore
the evolution process from traditional education to modern education.


Ideological and political education in colleges and universities; Traditional education; Modern education; Comparative study

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