
Approaches to Conducting Mental Health Education for College Students in Higher Education

Biling Deng, Aopan Chen


In 2024 higher education, students mental health has drawn much attention. This paper explores approaches to mental health education for college students. It first analyzes the current mental health situation of college students, such as problems like stress and anxiety. It
emphasizes the significance of this education, which is beneficial for personal growth, academic and career development. Then it elaborates
on the approaches: integrating into the curriculum system by offering specialized courses and incorporating relevant content into multiple disciplines; establishing a professional counseling system; creating a positive campus culture; using modern educational technologies; promoting
departmental collaboration; and strengthening family and social support. Emerging technologies have shown great potential in mental health
education. For example, artificial intelligence can be used for early intervention. By analyzing students online behavior patterns and language
expressions, AI can detect early signs of mental health problems and provide timely alerts. Virtual reality technology can be applied in stress
management training. Students can be immersed in virtual environments that simulate stressful situations, allowing them to practice stresscoping strategies in a safe and controlled setting. These emerging technologies offer new opportunities for enhancing the effectiveness of mental health education. By integrating these approaches, the mental health needs of students can be met and their development can be promoted.
Additionally, this paper refers to research results in the past three years to ensure the timeliness and relevance of the strategies. In the future, it
is necessary to evaluate the effects of these approaches and explore new strategies.


Higher education; College students; Mental health education; Approaches

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Included Database


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/neet.v2i6.4989


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