
The Impact of Principals Transactional Leadership Style on Early Childhood Teachers Decision-Making Participation: The Mediating Role of Work Vitality

Shuangqi He


This study examines the impact of kindergarten principals transactional leadership style on early childhood teachers decisionmaking participation ability and work vitality, as well as the mediating role of work vitality in this relationship. The findings reveal that: (1)
The principals transactional leadership style has a significant positive impact on both early childhood teachers decision-making participation
ability and work vitality; (2) Early childhood teachers work vitality significantly affects their decision-making participation ability; (3) Early
childhood teachers work vitality plays a partial mediating role between the principals transactional leadership style and teachers decisionmaking participation ability. These results provide new perspectives for understanding kindergarten organizational dynamics and offer practical guidance for improving early childhood education quality. The findings have important theoretical and practical implications for leadership
practices and teacher development in the field of early childhood education.


Transactional Leadership Style; Early Childhood Teachers; Decision-Making Participation Ability; Work Vitality; Mediating Effect

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/neet.v2i7.5089


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