
The Student-Centered Classroom Revolution in Plant Physiology Under the Background of New Agricultural Science

Miao Chen, Ying Liu, Shaoxia Yang, Yulin Wang


In the context of the new agricultural science, plant physiology, as an important discipline, is facing reforms and innovations in
teaching content, teaching methods, and talent cultivation models. How to fully integrate the characteristics of the course in plant physiology
for comprehensive curriculum reform, improve teaching modes, enhance students intrinsic learning motivation, establish a complete selflearning system, and comprehensively improve students comprehensive abilities is an important topic that urgently needs to be studied in
this course. The teaching philosophy of student-centered emphasizes that teaching activities should be designed and implemented around
students needs, interests, and learning characteristics to promote the development of students active learning, critical thinking, and innovative abilities. This article analyzes the learning situation and summarizes the student-centered reform strategy based on real problems in the
teaching process.


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.70711/neet.v2i8.5514


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